Mental Health Clinics | Family Services of Chemung County (FSCC) (Admin Site)
Contracted by Chemung County to provide services for child, adolescent and adult residents with acute and persistent emotional and mental health problems through NYS OMH licensed outpatient mental health clinic services. Programs support emotional, social, and mental health promotion, psycho-education, and recovery. The clinic offers early intervention prior to onset of chronic or severe psychiatric problems; seeks to prevent hospitalization or re-hospitalization; and offers community education and consultation services for clients, their families, and the community. Services are prioritized for children and adolescents identified as Seriously Emotionally Disturbed (SED) and adults identified as Seriously Mentally Ill (SMI).
No out-of-pocket cost for services to children and adolescents at the CAC.
Chemung County.
Service area
Chemung County, NY Chemung County, NY Chemung County, NY Chemung County, NY
Agency info
Family Services of Chemung County (FSCC)