Teen Parent Education Program | Bath Area Family Resource Center (BAFRC)
Facilitates a program geared for new moms and dads and is especially suited to teens and other young parents. This is a series for parents and their babies together. It focuses on ways to comfort baby and how to deal with the ups and downs of being a parent. Nurturing Parenting for Teen Parents is an evidenced-based program created by Stephen J. Bavolek Ph.D. Parenting is hard at any age, but especially for teens and other very young parents. Become a more nurturing parent to your child. Help your child to grow up with positive self-worth, use discipline and rewards that promote positive self-regard, ages and stages of development, how to have fun with your child, how to grow as a family, and so much more!
Physical Address
216 Maple Heights, Bath, NY 14810
Baby 101, Nurturing Parenting for Teens Who Are Parents
No fee.
Primarily Steuben County residents.
Service area
Steuben County, NY
Agency info
Bath Area Family Resource Center (BAFRC)